Apr 10, 2011

i'm writing..hehe

skang pkul 6 p.m....esok ade assignmnt nk kne hantar...many of it... bundle of work that need 2b settle...
kdng2 ak bosan nk wat keje...kdg2 ak rajin.. well, mostly mmg ak mls la kn...hehe.. jap2, knp ak tlis kat blog ni... ak ade blog nih since 2007... tp br 3 post jew yg ak wat.. hahaha... apekah function ak sign up??? ngeh3.. well, sbnrny ak wat blog nih sbb ak ske bce blog org len.. penuh mission, vission, creative n mostly funny.. i juz luv 2 c all the nice n awesome pictures dat bloggers2 out there posted... stories yg best2... ak nih angan2 bnyk... blog nk buat.. itu nk buat.. ini nk buat.. xlaksanakn jew....hehe.. but 1 day i will make others read mine... 4sure... not now bcoz i'm so damn bz.. tp yg pasti la kan, blog ni is the best place to put all our shout outs, luahan prasaan, hepynes, kemarahan, sadness n bnyk g.. kat cni la kite nk share... i do believe, writing is the best medium 2 share all the feeling dat we feel.. instead of face 2 face, kdg2 kite xluahkn smua ape yg tersirat...mayb malu or pape jew la kn... penulisan dlm blog, letter, msg or pape jew, kdg2 mmg bgus.. kdg2 mmg x... its all up 2 us how 2 defined it n used it wisely... but well guys, till now...c u later then... drive carefully... =)

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